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Monthly Archive: April 2018

Apr 30

My Julianna – 8 years old

Each child is different, and each one brings their own magic into the mix.  Julianna completed our family, in a way that is utterly perfect and exactly what I would have hoped for. Her pregnancy was a family affair.  Sam, Jessie and Marc used to come to the bathroom and Marc would hold my hair, …

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Apr 20

Celiac’s Disease

I was writing a lovely little post about April vacation.  We did a little walking, a little hiking, a little cooking.  A little hanging out, a little rearranging.  A little homeschooling, because it’s not vacation for Sam, and then it all came screaming to a halt on Wednesday afternoon. A few weeks ago, Jessie had …

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Apr 13

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger

There’s a book I’ve been waiting to read (it’s on hold at the library) and it’s called “Everything happens for a reason and other lies I’ve loved.”  I’d want it for the title alone. But there’s another platitude that I hear a lot, and it’s that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  That’s not …

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Apr 12

Hospital visits

Jessie had an endoscopy yesterday afternoon.  We did allergy testing a few weeks ago and her celiac panel came back with elevated numbers.  The only way to rule out celiac is to do the biopsies and the only way to get the samples is to do the scope. We had to go into Boston for …

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