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Monthly Archive: April 2009

Apr 30

I don’t care about the swine flu

I’m suffering from epidemic, panic-inducing, freak out fit overload. I’ve jumped on board with the new ice age when I was younger, the earth getting colder and colder, now global warming, Y2K, the anthrax scare, bird flu, and now swine flu. There’s always something new and more interesting to panic about, and I’m just worn …

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Apr 29

I believe that happiness is something we create

Sure, it’s a line from a county music song, but it works for me. Last weekend, I took Jess to see the Hannah Montana movie (LOVED IT – I know, I’m a total dork), and we were singing to the radio on the way down there. There’s a band, Sugarland, and they have one song …

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Apr 28

Nothing lasts forever

As I clicked “submit” on the last post, Sam must have done something and Jordyn started wailing. Sam started hollering back at her, and I put them both down for their naps. Now all is quiet, and I’m trying to restore order to the room šŸ™‚

Apr 28

Sure, my living room is a disaster, but it’s worth it

Sam and Jordyn are so incredibly adorable together. They’ve been playing in there, by themselves, with literally no interaction with me, for well over an hour. I’m not even sure what they are doing, exactly, it’s some sort of fantasy game, Sam’s the Dad, Jordyn is the Mom, and they dress up in raincoats (wrapping …

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Apr 27

How cool am I?? I figured out how to add pictures!

How I spent my spring vacation… This is Jess at Elm Park. Here’s (from the left) Jessica, my step daughters Lilli and Sarah, and my friend’s daughter Glennys at the Museum of Science. Here are the girls on the subway into Boston. How cute is that?? This was early in the morning, with Hostess little …

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Apr 23

You are the meanest mother in the world!

Gotta say, it was a proud moment for me. When my beloved and cherished daughter hurled those words at me. So it’s a gorgeous day, and I pack up my cherubs (Lilli (10) Sarah (8) Jessica (6) Harrison and Sam (both two) up to go down to Cricket Park. Which isn’t a park at all, …

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Apr 22

She’s afraid of her bike

Jessie decided she wanted a bike. Her bestest friend Glennys has one, and her heart was broken into a million pieces because she didn’t have one. So I, the good mother, go out the next day, searching for one. I had to go to two different stores, then buy the helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, …

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Apr 21

Sometimes I’m so popular, I just have to be mean

This is what my daughter said to me, as an excuse for being wretched to a friend of her’s who had come over to play. Not that the excuse was actually accepted, she stayed in her room until she cried herself to sleep, because no matter how popular you are, you still don’t get to …

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Apr 21

Riding in cars with boys

Or rather, riding in cars with my husband… I realized this weekend that I rarely listen to the radio if I’m in the car with my husband. Alone, or with the kids, I listen to it as loud as possible. Singing loudly and off key to boot. But with Marc in the car, we don’t. …

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Apr 20

Doing too much

I have a fantabulous mother. Seriously. She had me when she was twenty two, and by the time she was twenty nine, she had my brothers, my little sister, and an ex husband who was a disaster. I can only say that he was probably a worse ex than he was a husband, no child …

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