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Monthly Archive: August 2013

Aug 28

First Day of School

The first day of school is hard for me.  Jessie’s very first day of kindergarten, she was fine.  Happy to line up and dance off to class with her new teacher, but poor Sammy Boy sobbed because he could not believe that they were taking his big sister away.  Jessie’s always done well on the …

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Aug 21

Still Getting Ready

I went school shopping today.  Actually, I went school shopping twice, once with just Jessie and once with Jessie and my MIL.  I bought drink containers and thermos, lunch boxes and backpacks.  Notebooks upon notebooks upon notebooks (they were only seventeen cents – at that price, really, you should buy several dozen).  Jessie and I …

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Aug 19

Getting Ready

Another school year… I’ve got another week and a half before the dreaded first day.  We’re not really ready for it, the school supply lists have been in my car for the past two weeks – just in case I happened to end up at a store and in the mood to buy all the …

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Aug 17

I’m looking at adolescence like infancy

You know how there are parents who really aren’t great at infants?  Not that they don’t love their children all the time, but there are ages and stages that are harder than others.  One stage that always seems to be considered harder is the early early infancy.  But, honestly, that’s kind of my favorite.  I’m …

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Aug 15


We’re in the middle of allergy season.  Again.  Spring and fall are the worst – and there’s a small period of time, in the dead center of summer and winter when things are relatively okay.  But Jessie and Sam are sniffling away all the time, having trouble sleeping and making me think that buying stock …

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Aug 14

I’m so tired

Last night was a rough night.  As they are occasionally.  I struggle with falling asleep at times, but almost never actually have insomnia.  I just read until I can’t keep my eyes open, or put on the television and listen until I can’t stand it anymore and fall asleep.  But Marc – who’s the exact …

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Aug 13


I like the idea of preschool.  I sent Jessie to Bright Start Academy, and she liked it.  She brought home art projects (I was terribly disappointed when she started kindergarten and those wicked cute little hangable things stopped coming home with any frequency).  Jessie was easier overall, when it comes to going off to school. …

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Aug 08

Moments I don’t want to forget

Forgive me, I’m a crappy blogger at the moment.  Similar to the end of the school year, it’s suddenly the end of summer and I’m trying to cram in everything.  But there have been moments, things I want to remember… I find myself  keeping a mental list of blog topics that I never have time …

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Aug 04

Taking a break

There was a  blog post that made the rounds last week on facebook that I couldn’t stop thinking about. It’s written by a SAHM, who was essentially writing to dads objecting to moms asking for a break. My husband has never given me a hard time about taking time off from parenting, disappearing into my …

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Aug 04


I’ve been doing the mom thing for a while now, it’ll be eleven years next February. And while I like to think that I know what I’m doing, at least a little bit, I’m forever going to be a new mom when it comes to my oldest. Give me a baby who won’t latch on …

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