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Monthly Archive: April 2008

Apr 29

I know it’s just hormones

AT least intellectually, I do. Emotionally, I’m convinced my entire family is conspiring to make my life miserable. Sammy starts every morning crying. Every damn morning. And it’s sucky. Then Jessie jumps in, and then Marc starts off on one of his tirades about homeopathy… I’m just sick of everyone. They’re all crappy to me …

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Apr 28

No better way to start the morning than a sink full of dishes

One of my pet peeves are stacked dirty dishes. If you’re going to touch them to stack them – freaking wash them! I had every single cup dirty. EVERY SINGLE CUP. I have a legendary amount of cups, seriously, and they were all in my sink. Worse, they were in a ginormous soup pot that …

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Apr 25

Bad Mommy Moments

Threw the phone today and broke it into three different pieces. But all in all, I felt it was a better alternative to throwing my daughter, which was what I actually wanted to do. My tiny angel girl screamed like a lunatic the entire way home from Price Chopper. That’s a really long way to …

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Apr 24

Jessie’s cast fell off today

Which baffled and confused me. It’s a cast, isn’t it supposed to stay on? I called the orthopedic surgeon and had Marc take her over immediately and now she’s got a nice neon pink one welded to her wrist. She’s actually adjusted really well to only having one hand – I’m surprised at how quickly …

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Apr 23

Bright and beautiful Wednesday

And still in the midst of Passover – Marc really wanted to keep kosher for Passover this year, and I’m doing my best, at least where the kids are concerned. Presenting a united front and all… but I admit that I’m frustrated by it. The kids don’t really like matzoh, and I’m flat out shocked …

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Apr 16

Good morning :-)

Having a lovely morning, over all. After the fiasco on Monday, Jessie, I think, learned her lesson and danced off to preschool pretty cheerfully. Monday – she threw an absolute fit, screaming, yelling and crying – she didn’t want to go. Marc was livid, not only was she making him late for work, but he …

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Apr 14

Checking in

Haven’t posted in a while, it’s been kind of busy lately. Let’s see… Friday, I went up to my aunt’s house, my cousin, his wife and their daughter came over. My cousin just got out of the air force and it was the first time I’d seen them in about a year. The kids were …

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Apr 09

Notes from Marc

I don’t know if anyone reads this other than Marc – but I’m trying to get Marc to start his own little blog for an online local paper, and these were his sample entries – I thought they were fabulous! Mom and Dad are NOT the same… Part of our morning ritual in our house …

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Apr 07

Academic dilemma

Actually, I guess it’s not really a dilemma. We enrolled Jess into Worcester Public Schools and signed her up for the lottery to get into the “good schools.” Worcester has a really convuluted system, you have to sign up for your neighborhood school, but you can apply to get into a better neighborhood school or …

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Apr 04

He worships at the alter of Dessi

Poor Sam – Jess is gone all day today – her first full day since two Fridays ago, and he’s going thru some serious withdrawal. He’s dressed in a pretty denim skirt (because Jess put on a dress this morning, and he cried until I gave him one) and every time one of our neighbors …

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