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Monthly Archive: January 2008

Jan 29

soooo tired

I’m exhausted today – Jess got up around midnight and crawled into bed with me, and Sam was up nursing a lot. Jessie’s a cuddle bug at night, she likes to be as close to me as she can be, in contrast to Sam, who nurses and moves away (so why won’t he sleep without …

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Jan 28

Happy Birthday Weekend

Had a wonderful birthday, Friday night, Marc and I took the cherubs down to the mall, had dinner at Bertucci’s and then spent a couple of hours meandering around. I never go to the mall, and it was literally the first time Sam had ever been on an escalator and he was fascinated. Marc bought …

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Jan 23

All is well in the world

Wonder of all wonders, I’ve gone all day with nary a tantrum. I can’t remember the last time this happened. Jessie has been herself again, happy, cheerful, engaging with her brother and fun to be around. No tears, no screaming, she hasn’t shoved him once. It’s been great, like I’ve got my little girl back. …

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Jan 21

Ahhh – Monday

Having a very nice morning so far… no Harrison today, but I’ve got Glennys here, which is always great, I’m not sure which of my kids likes her more. In fact, the only conflict is usually over the two of mine arguing over which one is going to get her. For the moment, Sam is …

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Jan 20

Bright and beautiful Sunday

Having a really nice morning, all things considered. It was my first weekend off in about six months, and it was lovely. We were able to switch Jess to the Saturday dance class, so I took her first thing in the morning, and it happened to be on the one day of the year that …

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Jan 14

Snow Day

In a crabby mood this morning – for a whole bunch of reasons. Mainly, I’m hormonal, my house is still a disaster from the weekend and I’m facing a week with no car because it’s getting fixed. Mainly I’m just so aggravated about the house being such a mess. I fail to understand why it …

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Jan 08


Day Two of the new schedule… I got Jess to bed last night before seven o’clock and Sam and I sat up and watched a movie together. The poor boy is teething hard, two of his canine teeth are in the process of cutting thru and he’s just miserable with it. I finally got him …

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Jan 05

Second to last Saturday

I’m at work today, I work on Saturdays at a doctor’s office, answering the phones for urgent care. I have been working here for the past six months, but have reluctantly (on some levels, anyway) given my notice. It’s just too hard on everyone else for me to be gone all day on Saturdays. Marc’s …

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Jan 04

how incredibly exciting

I’m so excited – got me my very own blog. I’ve been doing daily e-mails for everyone, but now I can just refer people to the blog :-). Spent all day making shabbat dinner, and am now no longer in the mood to celebrate. I did manage to talk Jess into cleaning up her bedroom …

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