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Monthly Archive: May 2010

May 31

Julianna’s naming ceremony

We had Julie’s official naming ceremony on Saturday. If she was a boy, we’d have had her bris (hands down, worst day of Sammy’s infancy for me) on the eighth day after she was born, but for a girl, it’s a little more relaxed on the timing. Marc had gone to the synagogue on the …

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May 28

One perfect month

My last little baby girl is four weeks old yesterday, and hits her one month birthday tomorrow. Already, she’s grown so much, her cheeks are getting chubby, she’s smiling more and more, and she’s so gorgeous and amazing that I can’t stop admiring her. I’m a tiny bit wistful, it went by so incredibly fast, …

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May 26

Jessica Mary

She turned seven back in February and she’s still a little girl, but you can see glimmers of the woman she’ll be one day, and she’s going to be amazing :-). She’s gorgeous, with soft, silky baby fine brown curls and big brown eyes, and the most perfect little nose and mouth. She’s got four …

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May 24


I’ve got some family issues. As do most people, I imagine. And mine aren’t all that dramatic, after all, I’ve heard way worse. But my parents had a messy divorce and I was raised as the oldest child of a single mom with four kids – and for a long time, that was the most …

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May 24

Busy, busy weekend

Let’s see… Friday night, Marc went to the Mixed Martial Arts fights with a couple of his friends, and I stayed home and watched Grey’s Anatomy. I sat on our big comfy chair, with Sam asleep next to me, Jess passed out on the couch and Julianna nursing to sleep on my lap. It was …

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May 21

cute Sammy stories

Sam will almost always wear clothes now – although he does LOVE being naked, and will frequently claim that his little penis needs fresh air :-). But when he does get dressed, he almost always puts his underwear and shirts on backwards. I point it out to him every time, and each time, he calmly …

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May 20


Feeling a bit pensive this morning… All is well here, kids are all healthy (although not for long, if I keep forgetting to give Jessica her antibiotic – just realized that she didn’t get it this morning). Julie’s thrush is all cleared up, and nursing is virtually problem free these days. Sam is still sleeping …

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May 19


And why it means so much to me šŸ™‚ Julie is WONDERFUL at night. Really. I’ve been really lucky, all three of my kids have always been really good at night. I co-sleep (these days with everyone, it seems – Jessie keeps ending up in bed with me) and I’m sure that’s why – once …

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May 19


It’s the Jewish holiday where Moses received the Torah. And the wheat festival, apparently. But the main reason why we make a big deal about it is because it’s also when the Book of Ruth is read. Last night, Marc made a fabulous dinner, chicken and cheese (so not kosher) calzone with ice cream for …

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May 18

Three kids

It’s wonderful – really. I love having three children, I love each one individually, and together. My Angel Girl Jess, with all her empathy and passion, my Samilicious, with all his little boy rough and tumble and sweet little Sammy Snuggles, and my Julie, my tiny, adorable, squeeky little baby love. Separately, they are each …

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