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Monthly Archive: February 2009

Feb 27

The joys of taking Samilicous to the doctor

There are certain similiarities to my children. As much as I think they are so different in some ways, they are mirror images in others. Like baths – Jessie used to scream so much that she gave herself hives, and Sam’s the grubbiest kid I’ve ever met because he’ll literally cry so hard, he pukes …

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Feb 25

For what it’s worth

Jessica Mary danced off to school this morning, happy as could be. In other news, my vacuum has broken. I’m heart sore and in mourning. I loved that appliance, second only to the coffee pot.

Feb 24

Rough morning

There’s very little that’s harder for me to deal with than my child’s unhappiness. That’s not completely true, there’s lots that would be harder – but this morning, I had to ship my little girl out the door kicking and screaming to go to school and know that I will spend the rest of the …

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Feb 23

Happy, happy, happy, happy

(on a side note, I’ve used this title before – which I think is kind of a nice sign of how I feel about my life šŸ™‚ I’m all sunshine and lollipops today – Samilicious is still soundly sleeping, and Miss Jess danced off to school with a smile on her face. We had a …

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Feb 22

Just a complaining post

I went out yesterday with my mother and my daughter and my favorite cousin – and had a LOVELY day. Really – got my hair cut, got a couple of new shirts, bought Jess a webkinz, got Jessie’s hair cut (she looks gorgeous), then Marc met me down at my mother’s house, she made a …

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Feb 20

oh so very tired

Not too much going on these days… it’s February vacation here, so I’ve been drowning in children. Today I’ve got Lilli, Sarah, Jessie and Sam and for the moment, they are all playing together quietly in Jessica’s bedroom. I don’t expect this to last. But actually, when it’s just the four of them, it’s relatively …

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Feb 19

Happy 7th Anniversary

http://cohenfamily-melissa.blogspot.com/2008/02/happy-valentines-day.html Here’s a link to last year’s anniversary post. It’s all still true – he’s still my best friend and I still can’t quite believe I got as lucky as I did. When I was younger, the qualities that I always said I wanted to find in a guy was that he be smart and …

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Feb 15

Diabetes and Valentines Day

And Jessica’s “friend” party and my first girl day in a long time… VERY busy couple of days here… Thursday night, Marc went to the doctor’s. He came home early and I, of course, assumed he’d been laid off. His company has been in the process of shaking things up, and when I heard the …

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Feb 12

Turns out fairies didn’t steal the lunchbox

Or if they did, they returned it pretty quickly. I lost Jessie’s lunchbox this morning. Looked everywhere, it was gone. This happens a lot to me. I lose all kinds of stuff, shoes, hair brushes, cups of coffee, keys, wallets, etc. You name it, I’ve probably put it somewhere safe and subsequently, can’t locate it …

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Feb 11


Sam is walking around my living room, with goggles on, blue jeans, dinosaur t-shirt, and Jessie’s purple belt on, wearing a pair of blue flowered socks as his ‘gahbage glubs’ (garbage gloves), carrying a little toy frying pan, and picking up various toys, muttering to himself “come here gahbage, gahbage, I wooking for you.” Every …

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