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Feb 08

My beautiful, brilliant Jessica

At eight years old – she is passionate, dramatic, emotional, inquisitive, maternal, loving, impetuous and always, always such a blessing.  She was born on a wintery, snowy, snowy day eight years ago and from the very first moment, she has held my heart in her hands.  I’ve never before felt anything so strongly, so instantly.  I just flat out fell in love, and have yet to come to grips with the fact that she’s my own little baby girl.  I’ve watched her grow from an angel faced infant to a chubby cheeked toddler to a skinny chicken big girl and now I’m seeing glimmers of the woman she’ll become and I’m amazed and stunned and always completely blown away by the miracle that she is.

Her favorite color is purple, her favorite food is Chinese.  She hates getting into a shower and hates getting out almost as much.  She’s a daydreamer and easily distracted, doesn’t like reading fiction but will pore over a science book or a book about mythology for hours.  She likes her music loud, her favorite destination is always the mall, and she sleeps with seventeen stuffed animals every night.   She watches the news, keeps up on current events and has a much better grip on this world than I ever did at her age.  She’s still happiest when she’s sleeping in my bed, or snuggled up next to Daddy at night watching Mythbusters.  She’s an avid computer addict, loving webkinz and y8 games, she’ll draw for hours, creating her imaginary world (LaLa Land – she’s got a map of the territory, a pledge of allegience and a list of laws).  She’s a stereotypical oldest child, with a tendency to take control of the situation (or be miserable because she can’t), she takes little kids under her wing, and holds her little cousin Abby with more confidence than many adults.   She’s an incredible big sister, tolerating Sammy’s little brother antics with a lot more patience that she gets credit for, and makes her baby sister’s eyes light up every time she walks in the room.

Jessica Mary – you are my biggest girl, my first baby, and my angel girl.  You made me a mother, you changed every last little thing about my life, and I thank God for you every single day.  I love you, I love being your mom and on this day, your eighth birthday, I wish for you all the blessings possible – I want you to grow up to be brilliant and beautiful, smart and fulfilled.  I want for you everything you could possible want for yourself and so much more. 

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