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Sep 02

Morning sickness, brave boy, and my first grade girl

Starting with oldest to youngest šŸ™‚

Jessica Mary started her first day of school today. We switched her elementary school to Flagg Street, which is a REALLY good school. Big open fields to play in, great principal, involved PTO, and fabulous test scores. Plus my stepdaughters are attending there as well, so there’s the added bonus of having her sisters there with her. Isn’t she gorgeous? She’s so big!

Sam climbed the super big snake thing yesterday at the playground. Jessie just did it for the first time over the weekend, and once Sam saw that Jessie could do it, he couldn’t wait to try it. It was terrifying for me – he was eight or nine feet up in the air, and I was so freaked out – but doing my best not to show him that. He loved it – he kept yelling “I’m GREAT at dis!” “Dis is AWESOME!” and my favorite “I can see the WHOLE WORLD up here!” God help me as he gets bigger, I’m not prepared for this adventurous child.

And the morning sickness… it doesn’t feel too intense yet. I’m used to throwing up all the time, with both Jess and Sam, it was pretty steady. This one is just a lot of low level nausea. I wake up with it in the middle of the night, dry heave a lot, but very little actual puking. I get worried, and then remind myself that I’m not yet six weeks pregnant, and it’s still really early. It’s a strong pregnancy, I know that, intellectually, but still worry. Another seven weeks to go until the blessed second trimester!

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