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Oct 16


Sam is exceptionally private.  For those of you who know Sam, this will come as no surprise to you.  Because I’m not a really private person (case in point, I’ve been blogging for the past couple of years), it does frequently come as a surprise to me.  Jess isn’t all that private either, and Marc, God love him, would like nothing more than to share every last detail with everyone.

But it strikes me that at some point, Sam is going to find out about this blog, and probably read it, and be flat out horrified at the information that I’ve been sharing about him.   Last night, the poor little guy was sick and we were having a party.  I went out to the living room, and commented that Sam had thrown up, and I was putting him to bed.  He cried for ten minutes because he didn’t want anyone to know that he had thrown up – and I felt like I had betrayed him by telling everyone.  I can only imagine what would happen ten years from now if one of his friends stumbles onto this blog and teases him about nursing for three and a half years…

This blog is pretty important to me.  I’ve fought for it, the right to write whatever I wanted.  There was, and is, probably, some pretty serious animosity towards me because I have blogged about personal matters among various members of my extended family.  And I pushed thru that, because this is my story.  Mine.  The hitch that I’m running into is that the story of me raising my children is also inevitably going to be a story that also belongs to my children.  And while I think that Jessica would be delighted to read this blog years from now, I’m not positive that Sam would appreciate having the rest of his childhood put out there for the world to see.  I can’t tell what Julianna would say, but either way, I don’t feel good about having my blog be so easily identifiable as about Sam Cohen when Sam Cohen is becoming so very private and aware of wanting to not share details of his life.

So I’m going to be moving the blog over to a private address.  I’m not going to make it public, exactly.  I’m still trying to decide how public to be with it – but probably what I’ll do is come up with another name for it and then move the whole thing over to the new address.  Because I don’t want to lose the last couple of years of blog posts.  I also don’t want to lose any readers – so if you’d like me to e-mail you the new address, please send me an e-mail at melissa.cohen0214@yahoo.com.

It’ll probably take me a day or two to come up with a title (how does one go about naming a blog something private yet catchy?).  If anyone has any ideas, or comments or thoughts – feel free to either e-mail me or comment on the blog.  I love feedback šŸ™‚

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