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Jun 11

Sunshiney joy in the mornings :-)

I’m sunshiney happy today (yes, I’ve had my requisite two cups of coffee this morning). Sam’s off, something’s not right there, he was up A LOT last night, and slept in until around 8:30 this morning. He left eye was really puffy last night as well, which is odd, but seems to have gone down during the night. He’s okay now, but woke up clingy and unhappy. I’m blaming teeth. I love to blame teeth – it works from the time they’re three or four months until they’re you know… three. Do you get three year molars? Contrasting to Jessie who woke up at 1:00 this morning, or at least that’s what she told me when she danced into my bedroom, all dressed in a dark skirt that’s kind of too small, and a pink and green t-shirt that says Princess with Irish clovers on it. She wore it to school with light blue Barbie socks, white and coral sneakers and an orange hoodie. But she was so proud of herself for getting up, picking out her own clothes, making he bed and brushing her hair that I had to just let her go and hope her teacher understands that sometimes kidnergartener pick out their own clothes šŸ˜‰

Got my confirmation date yesterday – and am wicked nervous about it. I’ve been talking about doing it for about three years now, and reading and learning about Judaism for over seven, so it’s been a long time coming. So long, I think it’s okay that I sort of thought it would never actually happen. Similiar to being nine months pregnant and then being overdue – you just think you’ll live the rest of your life pregnant, and then you have that first contraction – and even though you knew intellectually that it was always going to end this way – you’re still freaked out because it’s really happening.

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