I’m drained. Really, just flat out exhausted. I got Samilicious Boy up this morning and thought he was just being a pain about going to school. He doesn’t like going on a good day, but on a day when Jessie isn’t going, I know it’s going to be a battle. I had him on my lap, and he threw up out of nowhere. My living room is, of course, an utter disaster, covered with toys and books and blankets, so I’m desperately trying to aim his little vomiting body so that he’ll puke in a spot where I can clean it up easily, while still trying to be all motherly and reassuring.
I put him to bed, clean up the mess, make Marc cancel his meeting so he can stay home with vomit boy, and take the two girls off to the pediatrician. Get Jessie’s diagnosis confirmed, with the added bonus of having to talk the doctor out of an EKG because the computer system was down and Jessie’s heart beats funny. She’s got PAC (premature atrial contraction). It’s not bad, in and of itself, and since she’s otherwise healthy, it’s not a concern. But with the system down, the doctor (who wasn’t her normal pedi) was getting concerned, and was ready to whisk her off for more testing.
Once I got Jessie home, I shipped Marc out the door. As he was leaving, he bopped into the bedroom to kiss the boy goodbye, and Sam hollered in pain. Because Marc kissed his head, and oh yeah, did I mention that Sam had gotten his head bonked yesterday? No? That’s because I was a wreck about Jessie’s concussion – AND MISSED ENTIRELY THAT SAM HAD ONE.
I was just starting to think about the bump on his head, and the vomiting… the connections are starting to come clear and Sam mentions, rather contemplatively, that my ceiling light in the bedroom keeps moving. And by the way – did I know that my ceiling has purple splotches on it?
Five hours later and a very long ER visit later (did I mention that Sam has a tendency to go mute when strangers (like nurses) talk to him?), I had another kid with another mild concussion. The ER docs were fabulous with him, and he really did relax and talk to them eventually.
Both kids are on restricted activities, and I’m assured that both will heal quickly with no lasting effects. Headaches, nausea and visual disturbances are normal and to be expected and may re-occur off and on over the next couple of days, but unless they get worse, or they start passing out, getting super lethargic, etc, then they’ll heal and be none the worse for it.
But I’m exhausted, and desperate for a break. Marc is on his way home, thank goodness, and I’m off for a very long, very hot and very alone shower.
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Hospital Phobia | Melissa Anne CohenMelissa Anne Cohen
November 29, 2014 at 9:23 pm (UTC -4) Link to this comment
[…] that Sam had (when Jessie closed the door on him – but on the upside, then they were concussion buddies). Poor Jessie had had stitches on her face twice, a broken foot, broken wrist, finger sprain, […]