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Jun 18

Bright and beautiful Wednesday

And all is well in my world. Kids are all happy – Jessie is doing REALLY well with all this activity. For the next two weeks, she’ll be at camp or preschool every single weekday. This is unprecidented in her little life, even when I was working, I still had one day off mid-week. But so far, she’s thriving, gets up bright and early and heads off to school with no problems. I’m hoping that it’s preview of kindergarten šŸ™‚

Sammy is all battered and bruised. We’ve been outside a lot lately, the weather has been great and his little legs are skinned and bruised all over the place. He likes to run and jump and inevitably falls over while he’s doing it. He’s talking more and more, coming out with sentences and new words all the time. For all I was so worried about his verbal skills, the pediatrician was right, by the time he’s two, he’ll be a conversational wizard.

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