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Mar 16

She made it!

For the very first time, my girl made it thru the night dry. In big girl pants, no less. Very proud… although I confess that I got up at two o’clock in the morning to drag her into the potty. She’s very proud of herself… very big step šŸ™‚

Had a busy day yesterday, between dance, and going to shull and then down to my sister’s house. Then we brought all of the kids to the Chinese buffet and that went terribly. It’ll be a while before I go back there with all of them again. Sarah was totally hyper and lunatic crazy and she and Glennys were both a little out of control. Sammy puked chicken up all over the place, and then scattered rice everywhere. One of those times when you know that every other person there is wishing that we’d just leave. One of my pet peeves is the kids being out of control at a restaurant. It makes me nuts.

I’m just chilling out today – Marc is going downstairs to play D&D; with the guys until noontime and then he wants to go to the YMCA to go swimming… I’m not sure if I’m going to go along with the plan, I think hanging at home and relaxing might make more sense, yesterday was totally chaotic and we could use a break :-).

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