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Apr 04

TMI and wicked cute kids

I think I’m losing my mucous plug. Which is probably more info than you want – but hey, it’s my blog, right? šŸ™‚ I’m incredibly delighted and the fact that it could still be weeks doesn’t diminish my excitement at all. According to my friends at google, active labor could start anywhere from hours to weeks. I’m pinning all my hopes on “hours” and can’t stop smiling.

Smiling to myself – because my sister Aimee took my two cherubs down to my mother’s house without me, and Marc’s at a meeting at the synagogue (strangely enough, Jewish people don’t consider Easter to be a reason to cancel a meeting). Sam’s a major Mommy’s boy – and the prospect of him getting into a stranger’s car (Aimee lives in Maine and we only see her two or three times a year) without me and heading off my mother’s (who’s he’s notoriously not close to) is a staggeringly huge step. But he wanted to do it, at the last minute, he asked Jess to go too, and they drove off, with the two of them in their car seats in the back, holding hands. It was adorable.

Easter morning went GREAT – other than Jess waking up at the crack of dawn when I so wanted to sleep in. She waited to hunt for eggs until Sam got up, and then he asked her to find them herself because he wanted to sit “and rewax” (he is SO my son). We had fried matzo for breakfast (the glories of Easter and Passover falling together) and it was just a lovely morning.

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