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May 22

Who loves a trip to the park in the rain??

The answer, of course, is I do! I’ve got a little routine for Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays (Wednesdays, I have too many babies to attempt it) where I head to Elm Park in the mornings, come home for lunch, put everyone down for a nap, etc. So I gambled that it wouldn’t rain – and lost. We’re a soggy bunch at the moment, but we were able to stop at the store and get donuts (Sam’s got a “Suuuuugar” obsession – I think he just likes saying it – and was delighted to discover donuts covered in the stuff). We also got juice boxes for tomorrow’s lunch for Jessica and tissues. Sam’s cold has materialized, and I’ve got boogies everywhere. Jessie’s cast will hopefully come off today – she’s a little crabby right now. My poor girl woke up in the middle of the night and curled up on the comfy chair and just sobbed. I was in bed already and assumed that Marc was with her, so I didn’t immediately get up, and by the time I did, she was heartbroken that I had left her alone to cry. Ahhh – the guilt. So I slept with both of them in the bed, and am sore and tired as a result. I look forward to the day when I can reclaim my bed for my own šŸ™‚

Baking challah and cookies today… feeling oh-so-domestic.

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